Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dick Cheney maiking sense

Hard to believe that I'd ever be on the same side of an issue as Cheney, but here it is. It begs the question, has anything really changed in Iraq in the last 13 years, and I don't believe it has. The political climate is perhaps even MORE unstable now than it was under Clinton in '94 when Cheney made these comments. He is not a stupid man. As a matter of fact, he makes his point very eloquently here. He is compelling, and what's more, absolutely correct. Never thought I'd say THAT....

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Write a song with me

Here's the idea, I will start a lyric, I have a loose melody and musical framework in mind, but can change it if need be. We can all collaborate on the song, and credit will be given where credit is due. Write a snippet, a phrase, a word, a verse, suggest a mood for a verse, whatever you feel. Rhymes are not necessary, don't worry about it sounding dumb - my lyrics often are. Don't worry about syntax or the rhythm of the lyric. PLEASE do not contribute anonymously! The message of the song is that people who are sure they know what's best for everyone else are often completely buggered in their own lives....

Here's a start:

It must be difficult for you - when everyone else is wrong
What did we ever do - before you came along?
It must be nice to be so sure - when no one's got a clue
to always know what's right - It must be very good to be you

Monday, July 30, 2007

the beginning

Hi and welcome to the first DiFonzo Blog. I am hoping that a lot of my friends, family and fans will contribute and make this an active, vibrant forum for news, ideas, opinions, pics, and links.

PLEASE feel free to post comments, complaints, jokes, whatever you like.